Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 6, 2009

Kiểm tra độc tố trong quần áo Trung Quốc còn chờ... chuẩn (VietNamNet)

--Kiểm tra độc tố trong quần áo Trung Quốc còn chờ... chuẩn
(VietNamNet) – Cơ quan quản lý chất lượng đã tiến hành lấy các mẫu quần áo trẻ em đưa đi kiểm nghiệm. Song theo giới chuyên môn, việc đưa ra kết luận về chất lượng các sản phẩm này không hề dễ dàng.---------- (từ GS THD)

Lúa gạo tại ĐBSCL - Mới thu đã... lỗ (SGGP 8-6-09) -- P/v GS Võ Tòng Xuân:

Nên sửa ngay quy chế xuất khẩu gạo (TT 8-6-09)

Báo cáo về kinh tế Viêt Nam: Sustaining Growth in Difficult Times (ASEAN Economic Bulletin April 2009) - Bài rất có ich của Jonathan Pincus ◄◄

China requires PCs to come with anti-porn software // TQ cài phần mềm chặn sex ...

BEIJING – China is requiring personal computers sold domestically to carry software that blocks online pornography and other Web sites — potentially giving the government new control over the Internet with a tool the developer said Monday will give parents more oversight.
The software, called "Green Dam-Youth Escort," prevents computers from accessing sites with pornographic pictures or language, Zhang Chenmin, general manager of Jinhui Computer System Engineering Co., told The Associated Press. The company was compiling a database of sites to block.
The software could also be used to block other Web sites, depending on keywords, Zhang said. The Chinese government routinely blocks political sites, especially ones it considers socially destabilizing such as sites that challenge the ruling Communist Party, promote democratic reform or advocate independence for Tibet.
Parents can also add sites to the database of blacklisted sites, Zhang said, and consumers will be able to uninstall the software.
"If a father doesn't want his son to be exposed to content related to basketball or drugs, he can block all Web sites related to those things," Zhang said.
He said users could also unblock Web sites, but they will not be able to see the full database. He said the software does not monitor or send IP addresses to third parties.
Zhang said his company, based in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan in central China, signed a 21 million yuan ($3 million) contract with the Chinese government last May to develop the software and distribute it to personal computer-makers free of charge within one year, to be included with units meant for domestic sale. The software was jointly developed by Beijing Dazheng Language Technology Co. Ltd., which declined to comment.
China, which has the world's largest population of Internet users at more than 250 million, this year launched a nationwide crackdown on Internet pornography, which is banned in China. More than 1,900 Web sites have been shut down since the beginning of the campaign and Web sites including Google and Baidu, China's most popular search engine, were criticized for linking to suspect sites.
According to the Wall Street Journal on Monday, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on May 19 to personal computer-makers that PCs to be sold in China as of July 1 must be preloaded with the software.
The program would either be installed on the hard drive or enclosed on a compact disc, the paper reported, adding that PC makers would be required to tell authorities how many PCs they have shipped with the software.
The ministry did not immediately respond to questions from The Associated Press by phone or fax. A separate notice on its Web site said all primary and secondary schools were required to install the Green Dam software on every school computer by the end of last month.
Educators "should fully realize the damage that harmful online information does to the physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students," the notice said.
PC makers Lenovo Group, Hewlett-Packard Co. and Dell Inc. did not immediately respond to requests for comments, either by phone or e-mail.
Associated Press researcher Zhao Liang contributed to this report.
Dạ bài này nói rất rõ đấy ạ .....China Requires Censoring Software on New PCs
All computers sold in the country must include software to filter out “unhealthy information” from the Internet.
BEIJING — China has issued a sweeping directive requiring all personal computers sold in the country to include sophisticated software that can filter out pornography and other “unhealthy information” from the Internet.
The software, which manufacturers must install on all new PC’s starting July 1, allows the government to update computers regularly with an ever-changing list of banned Web sites.
The rules, issued last month, ratchet up Internet restrictions already among the most stringent in the world. China regularly blocks Web sites that discuss the Dalai Lama, the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protesters, and the Falun Gong, the banned spiritual movement. But free-speech advocates say they fear the new software could make it even more difficult for China’s 300 million Internet users to access uncensored news and information.
“This is a very bad thing,” said Charles Mok, chairman of the Internet Society, an advocacy group in Hong Kong. “It’s like downloading spyware onto your computer, but the government is the spy.”
Details of the new regulations, posted Monday on a government Web site, were first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Called “Green Dam” — green being a foil to the yellow smut of pornography — the software is designed to filter out sexually explicit images and words, according to the company that designed it. Computer experts, however, warn that once installed, the software could be directed to block all manner of content or allow the government to monitor Internet use and collect personal information.
PC makers who serve the Chinese market, among them Dell, Lenovo and Hewlett-Packard, said they were studying the new rules and declined to comment. But privately, industry executives in the United States said they were upset by the new rules, which were issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology with no consultation and no advance warning. Beyond the nettlesome issue of abetting government censorship, they said six weeks was not enough time to shift production on such a large scale. “Many of us are going to take it in the neck with this mandate,” said one executive. “It has put people into five-alarm mode.”
More than 40 million personal computers were sold last year in China, one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Despite the slowing economy, industry analysts expect that figure to rise by 3 percent this year.
A group of industry representatives met with American officials Monday to express their displeasure with the new rules, said Susan Stevenson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. “We view any attempt to restrict the free flow of information with great concern,” she said.
Zhang Chenming, whose company, Jinhui Computer System Engineering, helped create Green Dam, said concerns that the software could be used to censor a broad range of content or monitor Internet use were overblown. He insisted that the software, which neutralizes programs designed to override China’s so-called Great Firewall, could simply be deleted or temporarily turned off by the user. “A parent can still use this computer to go to porn,” he said.
Although the directive is somewhat imprecise and suggests that manufacturers can provide the software as a compact disc, it also says that it must be installed on computer hard drives as a backup file.
“The wording may be intentionally vague but the message is clear: we have no choice in the matter,” said one computer executive.
Industry experts and civil libertarians say they are worried the software may simply be a Trojan horse for greater Internet control. The software developers have ties to China’s military and public security agencies, they point out, and that Green Dam boasts that the project has the backing of Li Changchun, the country’s chief propaganda official and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party
The software will be provided free, paid for by the government, and according to the official Green Dam website it has already been downloaded 3.2 million times. That number includes thousands of schools that were required to install the software by the end of May. The site claims that Chinese manufacturers, including Lenovo, Inspur and Hedy, have already agreed to install 52 million sets of the software on new computers.
In recent months China has tightened its Internet restrictions, including an “anti-vulgarity” campaign that has closed down thousands of pornographic sites but also shuttered nonsexual sites, including some of the most popular bulletin boards and blog hosts. China already employs more than 30,000 censors and thousands who “guide public opinion” by flooding bulletin boards with comments favorable to the Communist Party.
Last week, as the 20th anniversary of the military crackdown on Tiananmen approached, the government blocked a host of Internet services, including Twitter, Microsoft’s, and Flickr, a photo- sharing site. Youtube has been inaccessible here since March.
This is not the first time that foreign companies have been enlisted in government efforts to police the Internet. Google already blacks out politically sensitive results yielded by its popular search engine, Microsoft allows censors to block content on its blog service and Yahoo was widely criticized for turning over information that was used to jail a journalist.
Even beyond ethical concerns, those who have tested the new software describe it as technically flawed. One American software engineer said it leads machines to frequently crash. Others worry that it could leave millions of computers vulnerable to hackers. So far, at least, there is no version for the Apple and Linux operating systems.
On Monday, Green Dam’s own website offered a hint of discontent over the filtering software. On the bulletin board section of the site, several users complained that pornographic images slipped through or that their computers had become painfully slow. “It seems pretty lousy so far,” read one posting. “It’s not very powerful, I can’t surf the Internet normally and it’s affecting the operation of other software.”
By Monday night, however, most of the comments had been deleted.

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