-Mafiovi: (ttngbt chuyển bài dưới lên trên)
- Cái Biện chứng giữa Tr-í và Kh-í
( mà bài này chỉ mới gợi mở - Thanks, Trần Hữu Dũng),
(I'll back, certainly)
Bởi chỉ khi đó mới trả lời được Bùi Minh Quốc:
- Ôi nhân dân, Người ẩn chứa những gì
Mà bao năm mòn gót còng lưng trước công đường của Đảng?
Các đầy tớ của Người mặt mày quan dạng
Ngồi dửng dưng sau từng núi đơn từ
Ôi nhân dân nhẫn nhục đến bao giờ ?
- Re-reading on Nguyễn Ái Quốc:
chủ nghĩa tư bản dã thú đã biến số phận những người nông dân Tiên Lãng, Văn Giang .. thành những miếng mồi thơm của tiến trình tích tụ tư bản.
Mà bao năm mòn gót còng lưng trước công đường của Đảng?
Các đầy tớ của Người mặt mày quan dạng
Ngồi dửng dưng sau từng núi đơn từ
Ôi nhân dân nhẫn nhục đến bao giờ ?
- Re-reading on Nguyễn Ái Quốc:
chủ nghĩa tư bản dã thú đã biến số phận những người nông dân Tiên Lãng, Văn Giang .. thành những miếng mồi thơm của tiến trình tích tụ tư bản.
Không, Chính Hữu ạ, nó chỉ có 135 ngàn/m2 thôi.
Cho nên phải viết thế này mới phải, chú Chính Hữu ạ:
Khi E Cô
sai Con Cháu bạn ta
vung dùi cuiđuổi hết bọn ta đi ta mới hiểugiá từng thước đất.
1/ Các chú ra đí từ máng lơn rồi lại về đó thôi.
2/ Nhân Dân là vậy, họ chỉ thắng Trận-Cuối-Cùng.
1/ Các chú ra đí từ máng lơn rồi lại về đó thôi.
2/ Nhân Dân là vậy, họ chỉ thắng Trận-Cuối-Cùng.
Image: Viet-studies
- The Vietnam East Sea will show: Is the Pax Humanicana gone?
- Christopher Layne's argument is too strong and smart to make me think that He is right.
And He - indeed - is as right as anyone whose thinking is strong and smart.
And, spitting on any chorus in the world on an end of Pax Humanicana, you guys, I always believe in this wisdom: Every strong, thinkable and reasonable argument leads to only thing: The Pax Humanicana will last forever!
So you guys:
Samuel P. Huntington said: "The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion . . . but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do."
But He had forgot that after the winning, the West had created the venerable system : It was based on those common values and those holy ideals, which might stir up all minds and hearts.
And now, in facing to challenges to this system, I - a non-Westerner - and you, Westerners, will re-win this world - in this time - by superiority of those ideals and those values.
But in this struggle nobody - even I - can help you, Westerners, if you yourselves don't want to win.
I mean those big and fat idiots who is dominating your media and policy.
For them to be China's henchman and to get its hot hamburgers became the only way of living already.
- French!
Before choosing Who will be your president, please don't read on Charles A. Kupchan, but to say to candidates: Tell me Who China is for you and I'll say Who you're.
Moreover: Nicolas Sarkozy belongs 1% while François Hollande - to 99%.
Moreover: Nicolas Sarkozy belongs 1% while François Hollande - to 99%.
The only question for America on Asia....
- Americans cheered the collapse of socialism abroad and welcome socialism at home.
- "one-China policy"? - The greatest shame in 20th Century, I said.
- The America's “decline”? - The confusion over Money and Power
- Yes! A philosophy of education (what we - Vietnamese - are seeking for)should come from the identity we intend to create, guys.
But ...what's Vietnam's the one? Ha ha.....
....is simple: China or Vietnam.
- Humankind
The venerable system we had built is very simple: It was based on the concept of the sovereignty of the nation-state, territoriality and freedom of nation-states from internal interference by other nations. This concept—underpinned by industrialization, which greatly strengthened the power of the state itself—was embraced over centuries by nearly all nations, a notable exception being China.
Ergo, it's the time we - women and men from Asia to Africa, from America to Europe - must do the choice: Either to continue to live in our system or to live in the Chinese one?
- The success of U.S. and Indian policy from 1998-2008 lay in creating a transformed basis for relations between the world's largest democracies for the new century. The United States would secure not an ally but an independent partner that could help anchor an Asian balance of power....- Americans cheered the collapse of socialism abroad and welcome socialism at home.
- "one-China policy"? - The greatest shame in 20th Century, I said.
- The America's “decline”? - The confusion over Money and Power
- Yes! A philosophy of education (what we - Vietnamese - are seeking for)should come from the identity we intend to create, guys.
But ...what's Vietnam's the one? Ha ha.....
-Theo:to the coming up Victory-Day.
-the Chinese system to be as thoroughly rotten....------
- Speaking in English Beijing parrots (like Thomas Friedman and others) just don't know that the Chinese system to be as thoroughly rotten as one would expect of a kleptocratic police state.
- Dandy, Your Holiness!
However...let me be clear - by the way - to tell You the tiny wisdom (what all Vietnam schoolboys know):
Freedom for one's nation, independence for one's Motherland (including: Yours) isn't as easy and joyful as your songs and dancing you do every day. (on Google +).
- As a result, China is stuck.
Beijing can’t coordinate a legal framework on how to approach the Sea, and are left without any good policy options. In reality, Beijing has no means to dislodge neighboring countries from the atolls and islands over which they already have de facto control without sparking a real war, and can’t push its neighbors too hard because they’ll just run under Washington’s protective umbrella.
Related: via viet-studies
Stirring up the South China Sea (I), bản báo cáo mới nhất của The International Crisis Group, đã phơi bày.....
- Dandy, Your Holiness!
However...let me be clear - by the way - to tell You the tiny wisdom (what all Vietnam schoolboys know):
Freedom for one's nation, independence for one's Motherland (including: Yours) isn't as easy and joyful as your songs and dancing you do every day. (on Google +).
- As a result, China is stuck.
Beijing can’t coordinate a legal framework on how to approach the Sea, and are left without any good policy options. In reality, Beijing has no means to dislodge neighboring countries from the atolls and islands over which they already have de facto control without sparking a real war, and can’t push its neighbors too hard because they’ll just run under Washington’s protective umbrella.
Related: via viet-studies
Stirring up the South China Sea (I), bản báo cáo mới nhất của The International Crisis Group, đã phơi bày.....