Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 11, 2011

Đảo Tuyệt Đẹp Ở Chile, Rao Bán 3.6 Triệu Đô

-Đây là đảo tư nhân !
-Đảo Savage Jungle Island, nơi có 26 thác nước tuyệt đẹp trong đó có 1 thác cao 100 mét, ở phía nam Chile, rộng 1325 mẫu (acres) với nhiều cảnh đẹp, đang rao bán với giá 3.6 triệu đôla.   Đảo này đã được giấy bảo đảm của chính phủ, cho hưởng quy chế bảo tồn thiên nhiên, nhưng đã có dự án có thể đạt thương vụ 110 triệu đô trong 5 năm tới. (Photo AVB)

-Đảo Tuyệt Đẹp Ở Chile, Rao Bán 3.6 Triệu Đô


Private Island Resort For Sale

Our 100-foot waterfall included in the property. The six-foot man walking in the ocean at low tide provides scale for the lower part of the waterfall.

What: Savage Jungle S.A. is a private island luxury resort project on nine miles of protected, pristine, untouched rainforest that includes a natural preserve of 3 lakes, 2 rivers and 26 cascading waterfalls throughout that fall 100-feet or more on an uninhabited island—the remainder is a protected national park or is not developable.

This nine-mile property provides the only access and the only developable embarkation point for adventures into Isla Magdalena National Park, an island the size of the main island of Hawaii with 790-square-miles or 2,025-square-kilometers of untouched temperate jungle.

Existing runway capable of a corporate jet in closest possible location to hotel construction.

Ten years of work completed so that you can benefit from a 10-year barrier to entry to any competitors in the state-sized region (more likely 10-20 years) and enjoy a 790-square-mile island all to yourself.

Where: Isla Magdalena, Patagonia, Chile, 44 degrees 30’ 17.00” S; 72 degrees 43’ 41.71” W (requires current version of Google Earth software).To see a nine-minute summary video on Chile click here.

Why: Total revenues for resort estimated at $110,063,680 in cumulative sales projected in 5 years due to barriers to entry to any competitors and resulting pricing anomalies that exist in Patagonia Chile.

Price: The motivated seller, while posting this massively-reduced price of only U.S. $3.6 million has two offers for $7 million (one written), but they are thus far unable to close deals to come up with the cash due to the capital crisis.

Ready to Build Today!

All licenses and permits are finished and he is ready to build a luxury resort immediately. He flew the #1 architect in the world and his team to the island (the Frank Lloyd Wright of today and the winner of an AIA Gold Medal, a Smithsonian Lifetime Achievement, and the Rome Prize) Antoine Predock, at great upfront expense to us, and a 3D model is waiting in his New Mexico studio. We are fortunate to be one of the few projects he selects!

This Site is Second-to-None!

The owner searched the entire world for two years and over 30 countries to find a site like Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water where he can build NOT on top of the waterfall like Salish Lodge, or alongside it, but literally on a flat platform ABOVE the waterfall so the resort looks like it is floating in the air above the waterfall like Wright’s masterpiece!

The Building Site Has No Equal Anywhere in the Entire World!

The private island is endowed with an extremely rare geological formation. Our idea is to use this unusual formation, that the founder could not find anywhere else in the world, where there is a perfectly flat granite platform (large enough for the entire resort) directly above the center of a massive waterfall that plunges directly into the ocean, and build something better than Frank Lloyd Wright's FallingWater. This perfectly flat shelf is seemingly cut out of solid granite on a steep slope such as those few sites in the world where castles now sit, is not on the waterfall or alongside it, but directly above the center of the waterfall! How is this possible? The river makes an unseen sharp right turn above the waterfall, leaving an unseen flat shelf directly above the center of the waterfall. Antoine Predock said while standing on this site that he could design something such that “It would be world famous the very day it opened!” He said, “This site could make the entire career of some totally unknown architect.” The several years searching to find this site, and the almost eleven years getting the site ready with all the required licenses and permits in a National Park area, have been a lifetime dream of the owner.

The change from steep slope to perfectly flat solid granite that is large enough for the entire resort, then abruptly back to steep slope is very abrupt with the transition occurring within a few feet of space. Antoine Predock suggested "massively cantilevering” off of the totally flat solid granite area (which makes it very easy and inexpensive to build), and have the resort floating in the air over this waterfall (the man at the right provides scale):

A Worldwide Search

After having searched the world, the founder, a pilot, discovered Patagonia's West Coast and piloted the entire Patagonia coastline of Chile for weeks low-and-slow in an airplane, the vast fjords, crystal clear lakes, enormous forests, and thousands of islands of Southern Chile scouting up and down every fjord for the ideal property.

Eventually he found a veritable Eden—a large, uninhabited island (clickhere to see map) untouched by man, densely forested with old growth trees and rare plants, dotted with lakes, well watered with rivers, and surrounded by the "Swiss Alps of Chile" reaching nearly four miles high.

The property has twenty-six independent waterfalls originating from the lakes or large streams that fall hundreds of feet into the main rivers. The rivers themselves drop spectacularly into 2 protected fjords distant from one another where blue dolphins play.

Having identified the area from the air, the founder visited the island and was enthralled by the idyllic surroundings. There are legions of birds (some so tame they can be touched, because they have never seen man in all their generations) and no dangerous mammals, snakes or spiders inhabit the island. Hundreds of sea lions bask on the rocks on the other side of the fjord, and dolphins and seals frolic in the "sweet water" where the waterfall plunges into the fjord.

The government controls almost all of the land in region XI of southern Chile called Patagonia. Undaunted, the founder literally drew the strangest shaped 9-mile, snake-like property of what he wanted in order to own the best waterfalls, rivers, and lakes. Then he spent the next 4.5 years in bureaucracy with the Chilean government for permission to purchase land on Isla Magdalena National Park, and 9 years to obtain a Navy Concession to build a dock and a hydroelectric permit for the river to power the entire resort. All permits including the very difficult to obtain Environmental Impact Study are now completed and we are ready to begin construction immediately.

How: If interested, click to schedule your private tour; e-mail Savage Jungle or contact us at

All permits complete, and ready to build.

We have taken the major risks upfront. We recently obtained all permits and licenses necessary for a luxury resort, after 9 years of all-out effort, including the Environmental Impact Study, a hydro-electric permit for the river, and a permit for a large deep-water marina.

15-Year Barrier to Entry of Any Competitors in the Region.

Permissions take much longer than expected when the land is located within or near the National Parks that cover most of Patagonia. According to the Navy Captain who is the one who approves permissions to build docks, "The average time for a permit for a dock" in this MBN State-sized preserve "is 10-15 years, and I have applications on my desk that have been languishing 20 years." He says Savage Jungle S.A. was "the fastest approval" he had ever seen—it took us 9 years! There are only three other approved docks in an area the size of a state. This situation will provide Savage Jungle a barrier to entry of at least 10 to 15 years and unusually high profits.

Existing Airstrip Capable of a Corporate Jet.

Although our location may seem remote, a 3,608 foot runway (every foot being usable with ocean at both ends) capable of handling corporate jets or large twin engine airplanes, has been built in the closest possible place we could locate an airstrip to our resort site so that guests and supplies can privately be flown in without ever seeing anyone: 44 degrees 22’ 56.73” S; 72 degrees 35’ 41.89” W (requires current version of Google Earth software). These airstrips were built by the Chilean government at various distances down the Chilean coastline in the middle of nowhere, thus with this very private airstrip, clients and movie stars can arrive unseen. The government currently plans to repave this runway as seen in this sign.

All Bureaucratic Risk Gone!

Savage Jungle S.A. has purchased the property, has obtained all the permits, the planning risk is gone, and is ready to begin construction immediately. Additional investment is needed. If interested, click to schedule your private tour; e-mail Savage Jungle or contact us at

$110,063,680 in Sales in 5 Years!

A business plan shows that a 25-room hotel will be an unusually profitable investment in the first year of operation due to pricing anomalies and barriers to entry, with cumulative sales (including sales of residences) for five years of $110,063,680 not counting medical fees for alternative medical treatment. The Chilean government is even helping us attract foreign investment by offering up to a 40% tax credit of the total investment.

Only One Competitor

There is only one lodge with four-star American standards. It is on the mainland seven miles away from the island: 44 degrees 24' 51.08" S; 72 degrees 38' 45.43" W. It is hidden far beyond a bend in the fjord, so that no habitation spoils our view. This rustic lodge fills to capacity its thirty-one rooms with weekly rates of US$3,200.00 per person or daily rates up to $865/night/person during the long summer season. They are open year-around and are at 82% of capacity for the entire year. No five-star hotels in the Region There are no five-star hotels and only three docks in the state-sized Region XI, where Savage Jungle is located, and there are 187,200 tourists in our back yard visiting the National Park. This is the view in the fjord just before arriving at Savage Jungle—it reminds one of the movie Jurassic Park:

Activitires Include:

Outdoor activities include viewing hundreds of sealions who live directly across the fjord (far enough away for them to not be a nuisance, but close enough to kayak across the narrow fjord to see them):

Also dolphin watching during their twice-a-day sweep (every morning and every evening at feeding time) directly in front of our dock area:

These dolphins perform shows for us that are better choreographed than Blue Angels Fighter Jet Routines! In this example below, three dolphins on each side of the boat jump simultaneously, while also simultaneously two dolphins just below the surface (one coming from each side of the boat) race toward each other at high speed head-on, passing within inches of each other directly underneath our boat! Wow, what shows they perform!

In addition to kayaking, sailing, yachting, scuba diving, deep-sea fishing, river fishing for world-renown Brown Trout, lake fishing for rare native fish (catch and release) in our three lakes.

Also horseback riding tours through the jungle to observe the abundant flora and fauna, beach combing, mountain viewing (Andes in your backyard), boating, hiking and biking trails, birdwatching, caving, visiting the tiny town of Puyhuapi where indigenous rugs are made, river rafting, visiting volcanoes, rainforest seminars and tours, etc. The scenery surpasses Norway and Alaska (the two other places in the world with fjords and islands). There are absolutely no mosquitos or flies, because there are no mammals, and man has never lived on the island. Also one can experience 80-degree weather December to March.

Remote but Easy Access

As remote as the island might seem, there is the main north/south highway, the Camino Austral, that is now being paved, that is just one-mile across the narrow channel. From the Camino Austral it is a few minute boat ride (accompanied by the ever-present dolphins). The highway is being paved starting at the international airport in Balmaceda, capable of handling 727s, 737s, etc, and coming 173 miles to us where the pavement will end. There is a large new hospital directly across the fjord from the island in Puerto Cisnes, a small town with a massive hospital that is all out of proportion to the tiny town due to government funding.

In addition, the two largest ferry lines in Chile began service in 2008 to nearby Puyuhuapi (17 miles away) from Puerto Montt (the Provincial capital with a population of 1 million that is one-hour flight away from our airstrip in a small twin-engine airplane), and they pass daily directly in front of our property. The ferry service quoted us $183 to deliver a 20-ton excavator from Puerto Montt directly to our property. This inexpensive delivery of construction equipment and materials is a competitive advantage. There are also many smaller ferry lines that pass including this one in the photo below. The Savage Jungle property is the entire right side of this photo:

The Building Site

The 25-degree sloping elevation on the only approach makes a rare abrupt change to flat-as-a-parking-lot 243-feet above sea level. We have bids on a sloped elevator that can easily be installed from the dock to the flat site. The perfectly flat area is larger than we need for the entire resort. On the backside of the resort building area, the flat area changes just as abruptly to 60 degrees up the mountain covered with impenetrable jungle.

The building site elevation provides panoramic ocean and mountain views from the entire site. One can see boats coming down the fjord in both directions toward the resort many miles away. This fjord is the exclusive route to the resort:

Facing due north (equivalent to a perfect southern exposure in the Northern Hemisphere) is the primary site for the resort that sits above a vertical granite cliff 143 feet directly above the 100-foot waterfall facing the snow-covered Andes mountains (the Swiss Alps of Chile):

The resort will run along the abrupt edge of this vertical granite cliff alongside a series of huge waterfalls in our cascading river, which can be seen here:

The very best view, that we found last in hacking through the jungle, one can see the farthest out both directions of the ford. It has views of the panoramic, picturesque Andes mountains as a backdrop, if we cut the one tree on the right that is blocking the Andes view. It is the building site for one of our Aman-style residences. The flat solid-granite building site hangs out above the water on a granite cliff that is perfectly vertical, 243 feet above the ocean. It can be seen here:

Yachts regularly pass in our fjord directly in front of us, because our area is one of the best yachting locations in the world with thousands of islands to explore. These yachts are potential clients for our planned marina:

All the property lines were drawn by the purchaser, who “cherry-picked” the very best locations in the former MBN land. It includes a level site of approximately 32 acres (13.34 hectares) of private titled property above the ocean shoreline, plus a 50-year leased concession on an additional hand-drawn nine miles (1,291 acres) of the best parts of the island including three lakes, two rivers, and 26 massive waterfalls over 100 feet tall, lying within the “cherry-picked” nine-mile property:

These waterfalls descend to the base of our private property into the fjord as a single, spectacular waterfall plunging into the ocean, seen at the very top of this page. He owns this waterfall with our property on both sides of the waterfall, and government property surrounding us.

This Project includes:

• The only access and the only developable embarkation point for adventures into Isla Magdalena National Park, an island with 790 square-miles or 2,025 square-kilometers of thick temperate jungle.

• 32 acres of private, titled property directly over a massive waterfall with full entitlements zoned and divided for a 25-room resort.

• 9 additional miles of leased concession for an annual rent payment of approximately U.S. $1,300 per year.

• 3 lakes, 2 cascading rivers, and 26 waterfalls 100 feet or higher.

• Density allows for 25 hotel-units/high-priced-exclusive-houses; plus additional estate homes, residential units, and workers quarters of those living there.

• An Environmental Impact Statement for a luxury resort with 25 units, plus main lodge, massive library, gym, restaurant, theater, conference room for the resort; plus additional homes, residential units, and workers quarters on the site. (The permit is very flexible for expansion using existing approval).

• 115 meters out into the actual ocean that is leased in a “Concession Maritima” for a deep-water marina (It took nine-years and millions of steps to obtain this in a National Park region).

• 417 meters of ocean-front and sandy beach on the private property.

• More than an estimated 1,000 additional meters in concession ocean-front that has not yet been surveyed.

• Thick Jurassic-Park-like jungle, old growth forest including trees growing in the air and on top of massive apartment-sized boulders.

• An approved hydro-electric permit to put a large hydro-electric project in the river to power the entire resort and homes.

• A 40% tax credit of the total investment that is available, and will receive final approval from the Chilean government at the time the investment is deposited.

The project was personally signed by Chile’s President, who pushed it forward as a "top priority," and it has been twice featured in the leading newspaper in Santiago, the Mercurial in full page stories of Chile's leading tourism projects, and in Chile's #1 business magazine Que Pasa (see below). Chile is proud of this resort project:


In all of recorded history, man has never lived on this Hawaii-sized island except for brief, failed, short-term, squatter attempts many years ago on the shoreline by fishermen, thus no indigenous people are being displaced. Our region was settled by people of German descent who have built German style homes and chalets in this picture perfect "Switzerland of South America" surrounded by majestic Andean peaks. Chile is an entirely fiber-optically linked, first-world country where you will feel safe and secure. To see a nine-minute summary video on Chile click here. It is the perfect hideaway for those who run the world and need an escape from it, or a place from which you can run your virtual global office while your employees are on the other side of the world.

Savage Jungle is the closest resort site to the above world-famous hanging glacier and Queulat Falls, that can be seen in huge posters in the Santiago International Airport.

Or better yet, see it in person directly across our narrow fjord from our site. It is visible at the top of a peak across our narrow fjord, or can be seen close up as in the above photo, from a short hiking trail. For more information please contact Savage Jungle.

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